Saturday, May 10, 2014

Journey to Oso, Part 4

I have been busy this past week and my back has been nagging at me so much, I have barely been able to move, so this story comes a bit late in the line up, but it is here now and I hope you enjoy it.

Shyann remembered a story about her Papa working at a 'Big Scoop.'
 With Shyann in charge of the camera, you never know what she will take a picture of, but this was on the main street of Mt. Vernon and years ago her Papa told her when he was in the Navy he worked at a Big Scoop in Bremerton, so it was a great picture to take on the trip.

Shyann was also my navigator and she was amazing! I do not own a smartphone, GPS or any other mobile directional device, she was my reader of directions, she made telephone calls for directions and they always led us right to where we needed to be!

We left Arlington, Joy and Irma took the left towards home and we took the right onto the interstate and headed up to Mount Vernon, I enjoyed the drive and the traffic was light.

We were able to park directly in front of the YMCA with my disabled plate and that made it perfect because we had more quilts than what I expected waiting for us!

Upon entering the YMCA, I saw this poster and it literally not only took my breath away, but took a few seconds to register what I was seeing!  My logo HUGE letting people know this is a quilt drop off point for Oso!

Thank you to Jennifer at the Skagit Valley YMCA for this amazing poster!
 I was a bit concerned we would miss Mary Udman the wonderful woman who stepped up and asked if she could help and thus became the collection point in the area for those north of Seattle!
However, like me, Mary doesn't like her picture taken, so Shyann got the poster instead!

When we left the YMCA, I believe I had just as many boxes in my car almost as I did when I left that morning to drop them off. Even my husband laughed about where I had been since I had a van full!

Shyann and I stopped for a bite to eat at the local Taco Bell, I needed to eat and take something for my back as it was beginning to let me know it wasn't happy with all the driving I was doing, so we ate, I took an anti-inflammatory and we headed for home, it was 5:30 and we had been on the road now for ten hours and by the time we pulled into the house, it was 8:30.

The quilts below are just a few of the quilts we picked up that day!

 I see my neurosurgeon on Monday, my back has flared up to the point I can barely walk this week, but that will not stop me from my next delivery to the area on the 15th.

God brought me to it, He will see me through it!

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!