Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sending Some Love....Cards Welcome

This is a devastating blow for this family and the 911 center this amazing woman has worked at for so many years.

I have wrapped up and ready to go a quilt for her grandson.

Please, if you can send simply a card to let them know you are thinking about them and praying for the family, I know they would appreciate it.

ur department is requesting assistance for a member of our 911 dispatch center, TAZCOM, located in Pekin, Illinois.

In October 2012, one of our dispatchers (and my sister-in-law) donated her kidney to save her mother's life.  Some complications followed causing her to miss a large amount of work, without benefit time.  In August 2013, she had double mastectomy and her ovaries removed due to finding that she possessed the gene that placed her at a high risk of developing cancer.  Again, complications followed and caused her to miss a large amount of work, without benefit time.  In April 2014, she had a colon blockage due to scar tissue from her kidney removal and had to undergo surgery, again, the same.  On January 20, 2014, she underwent a 2nd surgery for a colon blockage... only this time, it was due to cancer.  When the doctors operated, they found a very large tumor that touches 4 vital organs... along with perforating her colon.  It has been 4 days now, she is in the ICU, has not regained consciousness and a ventilator is breathing for her.  If she can get over this obstacle, doctors will try to remove the mass and start chemo/radiation.
Shannon Stocke is 45 years old has been a dispatcher here for almost 20 years.  She is a fantastic operator, trainer and previous supervisor.  She has been married to her husband Jeff, who is a correctional officer at our local county jail, for 17 years.  She has a 23yo daughter and 20yo son.  Her first grandchild arrived in September 2014, but lived in Texas due to her son-in-law being in the military.  She didn't get to meet him until December 6, 2014... giving her 6 weeks with this precious boy until this happened.
She has had medical insurance through majority of this, but has missed an extensive amount of work.  She is without benefit time, so all of her time off is without pay.  Her husband has taken time off, without pay, to tend to her.   While the medical bills stack up, so do their everyday bills... house, cars, groceries, fuel, etc.  I am asking my fellow 911 family, as well has her 911 family, for help.
My Contact Info is:
Abbigail Hobbs
c/o Tazewell/Pekin 911 Center
1130 Koch St.
Pekin, IL 61554

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!