Thursday, October 16, 2014

Okanogan Quilts Needed is 478

I just received a call from a 911 supervisor in Okanogan County Washington. As God plans it, she was the operator who received a quilt when her and her husband lost their home.

The need they have is 478 to cover 911 operators and first responders and others who lost their homes.  I know I cannot ever expect any of you to get these sent off before the holidays set in, however I am more than willing to brave the elements and snow over the passes this winter to get quilts to those who need them.

I am picking around 30 up this week-end in the Seattle area and will do a count on Sunday to let you know how many total we need. 

You are amazing, I know I rely on many of you to help, but all of us know quilters who may be willing to make one or two for these families who have lost everything.

Spread the word via your blog, twitter, instagram, Facebook, emails, etc. If we all reached out I know we could get this done.  Also, if you know those who knit or crochet, we take those as well.

Please this year has been fraught with tragedies and I have an over abundance at this time of infant quilts, I need twin sized minimum for adults and unisex would be amazing.

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!