Thursday, May 1, 2014

First Delivery Will Be Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning my granddaughter and I are leaving early and heading out to deliver quilts to the first responders and survivors in the Oso landslide area.

We will stop by SnoPac 911 Center, then travel onto Oso and Darrington where we have been invited to have lunch with a local church in the area and to pass out quilts and the many fleece blankets we received from the Costa Mesa Calvary Chapel.

After our lunch and quilt and blanket distribution we will return to Oso and head up to pick up quilts to bring home for labeling and another trip up that way in two weeks.

If you have not heard from me if I received your quilt, I want you to know that I still have 10 boxes I have not opened yet and today I sent out 20 thank you notes to quilters. I am trying to do my very best to keep up with letting everyone know their quilts have arrived.

I will show pictures from our trip tomorrow sometime over the week-end.

I am asking for prayers for safe travels and for my back and my vehicle.  Thank you!


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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!