Monday, March 16, 2015

These Beauties Just In From Minnesota

I arrived home today to find a box sitting on my front deck with no return address other than a postal mark out of Minnesota.  

Inside were these 2 gorgeous quilts and no note at all letting me know who the wonderful quilter was that sent these to me.

So, from my heart I want to thank Anonymous from Minnesota because these will go to bless dispatchers and first responders and I know they will feel the love that is in each of these quilts!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a nice surprise! I especially like the second quilt, with the sunbursts and checkerboards. Maybe the donor got all excited about getting the quilts shipped that she forgot to put in a note. That's the sort of thing I would do!


From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!