Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Slowly, But Still Coming

There is horrible weather news wherever I turn the past few weeks.
Tornadoes are touching down and destroying wide paths of homes and neighborhoods, there are quilt teams delivering quilts for disasters and busy putting them together.

Another landslide hit this time in Colorado and took out a wider path than Oso, three men who were surveying the land for slide possibilities are missing, the path it took was wider than Oso, but there were no homes in the area.

Oso, what about Oso? The people are still trying to piece their lives back together, they recovered and identified the body of a man that served our country as a United States Marine and loved his family fittingly enough on Memorial Day.  His name was Steve Hadaway, they found him and as his brother stated, 'we even have his wedding ring.'

The quilts that used to arrive at my door daily via USPS, UPS and FedEx have now slowed to a trickle. I received this one on Saturday from the Busy Bee Quilters out of Texas, it is so large and pretty.  It will go up on Saturday with me.

I will also pick up the final few quilts from the Skagit Valley YMCA in Mt. Vernon. It has been a little over two months since the landslide and they are still very patiently and cautiously going through the area for the last body to be recovered and for any personal items they may be able to salvage for the families.

We still need more quilts, but knowing that all you helped with so many, makes me proud to have started this organization to help where we can when we can.

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!