Monday, March 31, 2014

Today's Oso Update

Today, I spent several hours on the telephone talking to people who are up in the landslide area, who know what is going on, who aren't watching the news reports and this is what I am hearing..

Quilts, yes, please bring quilts, they will warm the hearts of those up here and yes, everyone said the first responders need them as well.  

They are still in heavy emergency mode, so much muck and mud and debris to go through and it is difficult going, but it is going.

Someone is reaching out and feeding the first responders in the area and that has everyone beaming and talking about their small community with huge hearts.

Someone dropped a box off yesterday, they just sat it down and walked away. Inside were hand tied blankets and coloring books for the kids and for the first responders, home baked cookies.  I am told it stopped everyone in their tracks and brought tears to their eyes.

Quilts work the same way.  They won't help flashlights work, they can't be eaten, they won't replace a chainsaw or dig through the debris, but they will touch someone's heart and when they are cold it will add warmth to them that just tells them someone cares.

I am NOT equipped to take in everything, but I can take in quilts and I will until I am told to stop!  They are needed!

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!