Monday, August 19, 2013

Here is our updated list of Quilting needs....

We are still desperate for 23 more quilts for the families of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Please do not think they will be covered by someone else, or become stuck in your thinking that they are getting so much right now they don't need anymore.

In case you aren't aware, the Ashcraft family was one of the first families pretty much adopted by everyone as far as the wife and children went, however the City of Prescott is denying this family any benefits saying the father was not a full-time employee though he worked 40 hours a week.

There are also the agencies that have been collecting money in the name of GMHS that are not distributing all of it to the families, they are keeping huge portions of it for other things that may come up in the future...United Way, Red Cross, etc.

Our quilts go directly to the families in need.

Now, here are some more needs that are specific to 911 Dispatch families:

Dispatcher home burned down in Bath, SD 7/4/13. There is a need for 1 baby girl (19 months) quilt, 2 boys (2 &4) and a large quilt for the parents...just need perhaps a full or queen sized.

Dispatcher out of Florida, recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer going through chemo could use a quilt to keep her warm during treatments.

Dispatcher out of Utah recently diagnose with Esophageal cancer unknown stage at this time but is under going chemo and could use a quilt to keep her warm.

Dispatcher out of NJ has mounting medical bills for cancer, he is also a volunteer firefighter and EMT. Perhaps you can't quilt at this time, but set aside money for charity, even $5 or a card helps!

You see, even if you can't donate, you can send a card if you would like. Perhaps you live in these states and would like to adopt one of these dispatchers, all you have to do is let me know.

While I may be going through my own medical issues at this time, I am still committed to reaching out to others!  

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!