Friday, October 11, 2013

Getting Our Name Out There

Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 is NOT about me nor has it ever been about me. It is about us, each one of us, being part of the team that makes up Layers of Hope - Quilting 911, the quilters.

Each time a call goes out for quilts, the landscape changes a bit. Some quilters from previous times are booked and can't make quilts now but tell me to continue to keep them in the loop.

Other quilters say, I don't have time, but I will help others with postage and step up when asked and do just what they have promised to do.

Quilt shops have graciously helped get the word out and I mean from virtual on line quilt shops to brick and mortar quilt shops have been willing to post on their web-sites or even put ads up in their stores.

New quilters that have never quilted before, ask for a chance to reach out to help someone in need. Seasoned quilters will fast put together a project for a family in need.

It is wonderful that so many of you in this day and age of virtual everything find us in billions of bits of information on the internet and I am humbled and honored.

I want you to know that what you do and how you reach out to others is getting around, people are coming to me to ask how can they help and yesterday in the mail I received a quilt with no return address, no quilt label, just a note that said, please forward this quilt to Jeri, the dispatcher with cancer. WOW!!

When I sit down to send an Email explaining who we are and what we do and someone said, I know all about your organization, it means that we are reaching out to people and they are telling others about us.

What makes that special is that it means, more quilters or crocheters or knitters will contact us during the next need we have or the need after that.

So the next time you are asked what do you do for fun, don't say, 'just quilt,' say instead, 'I AM a quilter!'

To all of you who helped reach out to over 70 family members of the Granite Mountain Hotshot team, I stand up and humbly bow before you and say thank you, I am honored to know each and everyone of you!

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From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!