Monday, February 8, 2016

Good Bye

They say most non-profits don't last any longer than 3-5 years and while Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 is not a non-profit per se, we have never made a profit running this organization and we have been going strong for almost 11 years.

Today, I sent out the last 3 boxes of quilts that were left from 2015 and they cost me a total of just over $81.00. 

I have been blessed running this organization and I have met (on-line) some amazingly talented, gifted and generous people and I will carry you all in my heart.

The quilts that I have left in my possession will be donated to my local fire department to help those in need as well as an organization that helps new moms in need.

If someone would be interested in taking up this organization and continuing on, you can let me know, but it takes lots of time and money.

I have always allowed God to guide me in my efforts and right now, with my health and family dynamics, I cannot continue on.

I hope you all understand. 

This blog will be left open for a few more weeks.


  1. I agree. Thank you for all you put in for this over the past months. Enjoy your time away. Hoping you are soon on your way to a speedy recovery. Hugs


From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!