Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Needed ASAP, Please Step Up and Help These Firefighters Families

I have had someone step up for the very first time and offer to make 2 quilts for one of the families and this is the family that has mom and 4 children.

I am in immediate need of someone or someones to please step up and take 1, 2 or 3 of the remaining family members.

Please, this is someone who has never done this but due to the fact her heart is breaking wants to reach out.  Can I get someone else to step out in faith and get these sent off?

Remember, I  DO NOT keep these, matter of fact with the exception of the pictures I am sent, I never see them, they go directly to someone who can deliver them to the families!

I know most of you have large stashes of fabric, thread, batting and I have had someone step up and say, I will support with postage, so do not let that stop you.

What you do today will make an impact on these families tomorrow and forever!

1 comment:

  1. I would really like to help--my dad has been a firefighter in ABQ for over 30 years, and this tragedy really hit home for us! Unfortunately my family will be moving in one week, so all of my sewing stuff is already packed (even the sewing machine, sob). Depending on the size of quilt needed, I *think* the earliest I could get one finished is the end of August. Please let me know if is acceptable, and what size to plan on making. Thanks! Renee at


From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!