Saturday, July 20, 2013

Beautiful Heart, Beautiful Quilts, Beautiful Brenda for Granite Mountain Hotshots

Brenda and several other quilters have really stepped up and taken on many of the families of the Granite Mountain Hotshots and every time I receive pictures, I just cry!

Here are Brenda's latest beauties!

Quilters are simply amazing!
For Jesse Steed's Wife

This is for Robert Caldwell's Son

For Robert Caldwell's Wife
 I just am totally amazed how much Brenda and others have gotten done while I seem to take forever. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The top one is Easy Street - a Bonnie Hunter mystery pattern that looked wicked hard to make so I didn't even try it last fall! Kudos to Brenda for completing that and the others!


From head to heart to hands, I quilt! I May Only Be One Person, But Together We Can Make A Difference. Bless you for stopping by!