Thursday, October 31, 2013

Quilters Newsletter Talks About My Quilting

I am occasionally approached by a company to test a new product or read a magazine and when I was attending Ottawa University in Phoenix, they did an article about my quilting in the Alumni paper, but never have I ever been mentioned in a national magazine.

Today, my ankle was throbbing, but I wanted to check the mail and I am so glad I did.  I received a copy of the Dec/Jan 2014 Quilters Newsletter magazine in the mail.

Quick check of my brain, did I win something from another quilter, did I order a new quilting magazine, am I supposed to do something with this?

Then, I remembered awhile back being asked if I would interview for an article Quilters Newsletter was doing on the effects of the economy on quilting.

I began reading their article about quilting during times of recession and looking at the pictures and thought how ingenious some quilters are.

Then, I turned to page 36 and there my name is in bold letters and a bit about my family, my disability and my quilting and what was even more amazing, was that hubby walked in the door for lunch just a few minutes later!

Oh, I am so excited about this and secretly so is my husband, who whilst he complains (mockingly) about my quilting, I know he is very proud of what I do and what I can accomplish through the grace of God and with all of your help!

Granite Mountain Hotshot Families

I am not big on receiving thanks from family members or those that we help. My prayer is that by blessing these people in need, they will in turn bless someone else and pay it forward down the road and I don't need to know about it.

But, I have to admit, it warms my heart beyond measure when they send me a picture of them with the quilt, or their family member and the Warneke family is doing that by reaching out with a scholarship fund set up in Billy's name and a soon to be up and running website/non-profit to help others.

I wanted to share with you a picture of the family for all of those who made quilts for one or more of them:
 Also, if you would like to check out what is going on and what the Sean Misner family is doing, please check it out at:

Through their pain and tragedy, these are just two of the families that have turned this into blessing others and I am proud to know that their sons, husbands, brothers, uncles, grandsons memories will live on to help others.

It is in my opinion when we do nothing with the sudden loss of a loved one, that it becomes tragic, but these families are not allowing the light to go out of their lives, but making that light shine brightly for others!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Granite Mountain Hotshot's Wife

You have prayed for these family members, quilted for these family members, asked me to keep you updated if I heard anything, so I thought it would be wonderful to share with you a picture of Billy Warneke's wife Roxanne expecting their baby girl.

I can make quilts all day long and many of you do as well, but somewhere at times, I ask myself, 'Who is the person behind the name?' It helps me sometimes if I have a picture to be more creative.

As you can see, this is a very beautiful young mother-to-be who through all the pain, still has a beautiful smile.

You want to know why I set up this blog, the Facebook page, why it is so important for me to take it even further? It is for people like Roxanne who I will probably never meet, but whose life was changed in an instant.

I don't do it because someone expects me to, or told me to. I do it because for me, it is the right thing to do.

Monday, October 21, 2013

We are almost half way to goal!

To those of you who believe in this cause and reaching out and have donated, I want to say thank you so very much, we are at 41% of our goal for the new website and design and I am so excited about the changes.

If you cannot donate, perhaps you can post our donation drive on your twitter, facebook, blog accounts and help me get the word out.

I just really feel this is the most important thing I can be doing at the time and the great thing about it is with my health, I can take my time and get others to help!


Friday, October 18, 2013

Needing Everyone's Help To Reach A New Level

As I write this, I have people working on getting this site up and running with a new look and format and I am reaching out to all of you for assistance.

We are completely going to redesign this blog and turn it into a professional organization where you can come in, check out our Slogan, find our mission statement, click and find who is in need, what are our needs, etc..

I have been so humbled over the past few months when I set this blog up to reach out to the unseen heroes, 911 operators and their families, but also to those amazing families who lost their sons, brothers, dads in the Yarnell fire.

I have said this over and over again. This organization is NOT about me, it is NOT about you but rather, it is about US and how we come together and reach out and comfort those hurting.

I am merely the cog in the wheel, all of you are the spokes that get that tire on the ground and rolling! Yes, I make quilts like you do, but I am so amazed at those of you who donate one, two or even three or more quilts in lightening fast time. How do you all do it?

Each one of you working to get these quilts out have made an amazing contribution to families you have never met, may never meet and may never receive a thank you from, but I can tell you, these families feel that love and they will never forget your generosity.

I have to say thank you not only to all of you who donated and sent quilts out quicker than I could keep up at first, but to those who donated money so quilters who couldn't afford the postage could send their quilts out. 

To the many who sent me quilt tops, batting and backs so I could finish them and get them sent out in what I affectionately call 'Collaboration Quilts,' and your names are always on the quilt label.

The donations for fabric, the 6.5" blocks for the survivors quilt, the cards of encouragement, the request to add your name to the next round of quilts needed and so much more!

Now, I need to raise $184 to get this up and running at a level I want to bring this organization to and I need everyone's help in doing so.

The cost is $12 each for a dot org and dot com site and I would like to have both so others can find the site either way they enter it.
The rest of the cost goes to a blog designer who has given me a great discount in her design costs and they break down to:
$30 for two vector images for the logo
$130 for the design and set up (that is at a huge discount)

I am asking anyone who feels they want to see us move up to the next level, anyone who believes in this cause and what we are doing, to please click on the PayPal logo on the right side of this blog  or  the Go Fund Me link here.

Once I get this completed and up and running, once we are no longer a blog site, but a dot com/dot org, I will be reaching out to all of you to let you know the goals I have for our future.

Yes, I said our future, because this site could not be what it has become without all of you. The people who helped me come up with the name, the quilt donators, the amazing people who have more technology savvy than I do that have said, 'let me help you do this or that, or have you tried this or that.'

Thank you everyone for making me cry on a daily basis. Because those tears and your generosity show me, this is the right thing to do!

Blessings to you all!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Thanks From the Warneke Family

Today, I received the most overwhelming gracious thank you from Billy Warneke's mom. In it she states, 'My grandmother was a quilter so I know and appreciate the many hours of work that was spent making these beautiful quilts. I want you to know it is a most precious gift and I will cherish it always. Please thank the members of your organization Layers of Hope - Quilting 911. Let them know their work is truly comforting to our family.' From the aching heart of a mother mouring her son, a heartfelt thanks to all of you!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Getting Our Name Out There

Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 is NOT about me nor has it ever been about me. It is about us, each one of us, being part of the team that makes up Layers of Hope - Quilting 911, the quilters.

Each time a call goes out for quilts, the landscape changes a bit. Some quilters from previous times are booked and can't make quilts now but tell me to continue to keep them in the loop.

Other quilters say, I don't have time, but I will help others with postage and step up when asked and do just what they have promised to do.

Quilt shops have graciously helped get the word out and I mean from virtual on line quilt shops to brick and mortar quilt shops have been willing to post on their web-sites or even put ads up in their stores.

New quilters that have never quilted before, ask for a chance to reach out to help someone in need. Seasoned quilters will fast put together a project for a family in need.

It is wonderful that so many of you in this day and age of virtual everything find us in billions of bits of information on the internet and I am humbled and honored.

I want you to know that what you do and how you reach out to others is getting around, people are coming to me to ask how can they help and yesterday in the mail I received a quilt with no return address, no quilt label, just a note that said, please forward this quilt to Jeri, the dispatcher with cancer. WOW!!

When I sit down to send an Email explaining who we are and what we do and someone said, I know all about your organization, it means that we are reaching out to people and they are telling others about us.

What makes that special is that it means, more quilters or crocheters or knitters will contact us during the next need we have or the need after that.

So the next time you are asked what do you do for fun, don't say, 'just quilt,' say instead, 'I AM a quilter!'

To all of you who helped reach out to over 70 family members of the Granite Mountain Hotshot team, I stand up and humbly bow before you and say thank you, I am honored to know each and everyone of you!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Colorado 911 Flood Victims Need Our Help - 10 Quilts Needed

The holidays are fast approaching, you are busy quilting, crafting or sewing up a storm, no time for any more projects.  How about sending a card or a small care package with your favorite things...chocolates, gum, gift card, stationary, hand sanitizer, cologne, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.?

When was the last time you had no home to go to? I once lived in my car and remember how it felt to hide I had no home to live in.  I had a full time job but didn't qualify for housing for my sons and I, so while they lived with their dad, I scrimped and saved and slept in my car at night.  I showered at work, ate at work, went to the laundromat and spent time at the library reading.

Now imagine you were homeless, not because you didn't have any money, but because a devastating flood hit your area and ruined your home.  All your quilting, sewing and crafting supplies were gone. Then, you woke up and realized it was a nightmare.

However, the first responders who are still working at their job answering 911 calls, are awake and they are still living the nightmare because their homes are gone or in ruins.

Please, won't you reach out to one of these families in need?  We only have a few this time, so I think we can get them done quickly:

Kristen Owen-green

Aaron-age 12-Black

Ryan-age 10-Dark Purple

Hayden-age 7-Dark Blue


Diane Webber-Green

Grown children


Jan Carpenter-neutral colors **Adopted by Michelle M.**

No children


Sue Perney-unknown color

One high school aged son


Kelly Doherty-unknown color

No children


Mary Thacker-unknown color

No children

As always, please let me know which person you would like to adopt and I will send your further information and place that person as adopted!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dispatcher With Stage 3 Cancer Needs Our Support

One of our family members is in need of help and support. Tiffani Allen has only been with us for seven months but she has a total of nine years of service as a dispatcher. Tiffani has been diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer. She is now in unpaid status and is paying for medical insurance out of pocket. Tiffani hoped to be able to work with us as much as possible during chemotherapy but her condition has worsened and she is unable to work at all.
In the short time we have known her, Tiffani has always been kind, friendly, and a valued part of the team. We are doing as much as we can as an agency, but any prayers and/or support for Tiffani and her children would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, 911 Cares Family, for being there for us.
Cards or other support can be sent to:

Hamilton County Public Safety Communications
C/o Sara Leap
18100 Cumberland Rd.
Noblesville, IN 46060
Going through Chemo is a very bone chilling cold. If anyone would like to send this dispatcher a quilt to take with her during treatments, let me know please! ***Thank you Brenda B. for adopting this dispatcher and making her a quilt***She could still use cards of support! Here is the quilt Brenda made For Tiffani!


Battle Against Stage 4 Cancer, Cards of Encouragement - Adopted by Anonymous

Jeri Dotson-Modschiedler, Allen County (OH), Needs Support
Dear 911 Cares,
We all hear the word Cancer and think that it's not going to be us. For us, our Department heard the word Cancer and it became one of us. Unfortunately for Cancer, it has chosen the wrong Dispatcher to make its way into. Our friend, co-worker and family member, Jeri Dotson-Modschiedler, a ten year veteran with the Allen County Sheriff's Office Communications Division and 38 yr old mother of five and step ~ mother of two, has been diagnosed with stage four Colon, Liver and Lung Cancer, just three weeks after giving birth to her 5th child, a happy healthy baby boy.
With stage four cancer, Jeri is in the fight for her life and fighting hard with an incredibly positive attitude. She is in the early process of receiving the aggressive forms of chemotherapy treatment's, which started mid September, only days after receiving the news of this ugly diagnosis.
We are dedicated to fighting the fight with Jeri, and any acts of kindness or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. As Jeri would say "FIGHT LIKE A GIRL"
Please send any cards and/or forms of support to:
The Allen County Sheriff's Office
C/O Dispatcher Jeri Modschiedler
333 N. Main St.
Lima, Ohio 45801 **Adopted by Anonymous**
Patients receiving Chemo report being very cold. If you would like to send a quilt to help this mother during treatment, please let me know!

I received a quilt from an anonymous donor who wanted it to go to Jeri. I have ready to go. 

Colorado 911 Dispatchers Need Our Help

Right now, I have a list of five families that need our assistance. One of those has 3 sons ages 7, 10 & 12 years of age and I am waiting for information from the other families.

These families home are gone.  If you can't send a quilt right now, they could probably use gift cards, hand sanitizer, gloves (working type), first aid kits, face masks, snacks (dried fruit, trail mix, etc.), hats, flash lights, batteries, battery operated candles, note cards, etc.

I will post more information as I receive it.

Even packages of those white 'bar' rags would help them with clean up.

Thank you all for making this a huge success in what we do to reach out to others!

If you want to send them a card of encouragement:
911 Flood Relief
C/O Kimberly Culp (telephone authority director)
380 N. Wilson Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537

Please, please remember if you choose to send something for a family, let me know so I can make sure the families all receive something and it isn't just for one family member from 10 quilters!

Taking a Look At Some Granite Mountain Hotshot Completed Quilts...All Have Been Adopted!

Wow!  How do I even begin to thank all of you who jumped on board and began making 1, 2, 3 or more for these families who lost so much?

All I can say is all of you are so amazing, you make my heart swell and spill into tears of joy!

Not everyone could make quilts, some sent fabric, some sponsored the quilter so they could mail the quilts off, others sent 6.5" blocks for the survivor quilt!

So, in celebration, I want to show some of the quilts that have been finished!